In 2007, the JPG student government, known today as the Prefect Council, chose the Guardian to be JPG’s mascot, modeled after the Pontifical Swiss Guard. Established in 1506 under Pope Julius II, the Swiss Guard is a minor armed force and honor guard unit that protects the pope and the Apostolic Palace within Vatican City. The Swiss Guard’s motto is Acriter et Fideliter, "Fiercely and Faithfully."
At JPG, the mission of being a Guardian holds that certain things are important and worthy of protection. The truths of Western Civilization, the sacred traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, growth through discipline and virtue— are all worth preserving, guarding, and teaching to our children.
The Guardian Mascot features a Swiss Guard wielding a halberd, the traditional weapon of the Guard. He is actively protecting the good, the true, and the beautiful, represented by the cross of JPII’s crest, which is found behind him. This cross also appears on our school crest.