The first charism, or gift, we offer to families is an academic formation: VERITAS rooted in...
Our method of education is the classical model. Classical, Catholic education is the cultivation of wisdom and virtue by nonurishing the soul on truth, beauty, and goodness. This enables students to better know and glorify God, who is Truth, Beauty, and Goodness itself.
With origins in the classical world of Greece and Rome, classical education is an ancient time-tested tradition that has formed the greatest minds of Western Civilization. The classical student reads and discusses the greatest works of civilization so that he may be truly wise. Indeed, the classical, Catholic student asks not only, "What can I do with this learning?" but also, "How will this learning transform me?" At John Paul the Great Academy, we are committed to this rich classical tradition.
Image: “School of Athens” by Raphael (1509–1511).